2022 ETS ReproTox Education Course

As already in 2021, the European Teratology Society is offering a certified (DGPT, RSB) education Course in Reproductive Toxicology in February 2022. The online course will incorporate basic [...]


EUROTOX 2020 postponed

Yesterday, the decision was made by the EUROTOX Executive Committee to postpone to 2021, the EUROTOX 2020 Copenhagen congress scheduled to take place September 6-9. This was not a decision taken [...]


FMP at the 5th German PharmTox Summit

Dear colleagues, in about a month, the 5th German PharmTox Summit will be held March 2-5th in Leipzig. It will be our pleasure to meet with colleagues and have time for networking. Furthermore, [...]

Joint ETS/ESTP Annual Meeting 2019

We are proud to announce that ETS (European Teratology Society) and ESTP (European Society of Toxicologic Pathology) will join their annual meetings in 2019 and welcome you September 17 – 20, [...]